Hello and welcome. I designed this web site to share with other Amateur Radio operators some of
the projects that I have been working on. If you have a question or just want to say hi then I will
gladly receive and answer emails.
In May 2008 I designed and built a 3 band HF copper loop antenna. This is now my only aerial and
I would love to hear from others who have tried or are interested in this type of antenna or have
any questions about this aerial or its construction - This will be an ongoing project with more
updates and information to come including a full auto loop tuner with microcontroller software and
circuit. Another will be the circuit for a Low cost combined RF bridge/1kW load which is a must for
tunning the loop on frequency with little or no interference to others.
VK4AMZ - Caboolture - Queensland - Australia
Except for the TS930s, Tec CRO, old AX-190 receiver and Marconi Spectrum analyser it is all home brew. I have a home brew all band HF rig
that I am rebuilding the VFO's on. Other home brew gear in the picture: 0 - 100dB step attenuator (on top of Spec analyser), 40dB 250 watt
power attenuator (on top of step attenuator), 100amp linear supply, 1kW output all band HF linear (3 x 4CX250B - I had a few so I thought
why not), A combined Directional coupler - 1kW Dummy load and antenna balance bridge, 2 Tone pulsed generator, RF voltmeter, Loop
antenna rotator controller and Loop antenna Tunning controller. A lot of the test gear on the work bench is also home brew.
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Smart Keyer Info
TS 930s Power supply Info
160m 80m 40m Loop